Annual Awards
The School Nurse Organization of Washington (SNOW) grants the following awards on an annual basis. Click the award below to submit a nonimation.
New School Nurse of the Year Award
School Nurse of the Year Award
School Nurse Administrator of the Year
Non-Nurse School Nurse Administrator of the Year
School Nursing Advocate of the Year
Saved a Life Award (recognized twice per year)

School Nurse Advocate of the Year
2021-22 Les Stahlnecker
2022-23 Dr. Allison Pollock
2023-24 Becky Doe and Nancy Bernard
New School Nurse of the Year Award
Past Award Winners
School Nurse of the Year
2018-19 Sonja Reid
2019-20 None
2020-21 Tessa McIlraith
2021-22 Lizbeth Kaplan
2022-23 Liz Pray
2023-24 Lynne Kelly
School Nurse Administrator of the Year
2019-20 Laura Widdice
2020-21 Julie Schultz
2023-24 Amy Norton
Non-Nurse Administrator of the Year
2018-19 Gary Wargo
2020-2021 Joshua Meek
2021-2022 Mick Miller and Stacy Locke
Saved a Life Award
2016-17 Jacquelyn Bowen, Seattle School District
Joan Lankford, North Thurston School District
2022-23 Lissa Strecker (Enumclaw), Amanda Lundberg (Moses Lake), Shannon Morris (Yakima), and Penny Mayo (Moses Lake)
Nominate a Nurse
The deadline for submitting nominations is April 1st. (Nominations for Saved A Life Award can be submitted at anytime.)
To submit nominations for any of these awards, click on the corresponding link above.
Questions? Email: Jackie Follansbee