Evidence-based School Nursing Practice
The mission of the SNOW Research Committee is to promote evidence-based school nursing practice among WA State school nurses. Committee efforts align with NASN research priorities, focusing on needs assessments, research study participation, literature reviews, and data-driven quality improvement projects. The committee promotes collaborative efforts between school nurses and researchers.
Committee Activities
School Nurse Recruitment and Retention
The Research Committee collaborated with the WA School Nurse Recruitment & Retention Collaborative to collect data in support of school nurse recruitment and retention actitivies. 358 school nurses and 92 nursing students provided valuable feedback. The surveys are now closed and the Collaborative is reviewing the data. Many thanks to all who participated!
BEST School Nurse Mentor Program
Work continues to develop the OSPI BEST School Nurse Mentor program. BEST (Beginning Educator Support Team) School Nurse Mentors guide and support first and second year school nurses. Setting up novice school nurses for success sets up their students for success.
Research Connections
In an effort to streamline requests to SNOW BOD and to connect researchers with SNOW members (when appropriate), an application and process have been drafted and are nearing completion.
We welcome new members! The committee meets monthly (2nd Tuesday) from 3:30 – 4:30 PM with some committee work between meetings. If you are interested in joining or would like more information, contact the Research Chair.